Aelga certified

14 February, 2019

Recently, the team conducted a process-based quality, environment, occupational health management system, experts to visit aelga conducted three system of careful work, February 14, aelga smoothly through the audit and received the latest security standards. Kitchen household articles for use as solutions provider, aelga attaches great importance to construction of the three system management system in the company, actively the construction of system management, three system certification standards required for training in a planned way, document review and evaluation of risks and opportunities of each department in the, and won three system certification for the first time in 2014. The year of careful, team conducted a process-based experts in strict accordance with the requirements, through consulting documents, interviews, and other forms to examine the effective operation of the company system. After review lasted two days of tense job, team conducted a process-based three system work gave full affirmation to the company, to comply with relevant regulations, and be passed. Three system certification certificate issued, not only fully demonstrated Qingdao source, received the affirmation of international research and development of technology and services, but also remind us that continue to strive for perfection to provide the customers with innovative products, more professional and perfect service.
